Monday, June 15, 2009

Monday Lecture Series: First Mondays in May until November

May 4: "Return to Sender: Doolittle’s Raid" by David Manual
The history and ramifications of Doolittle’s raid on Tokyo during World War II is explained in this speech, which follows the raid from the cause, to the conception of the plan, to the immediate and far reaching effects.

June 1: "Reading/Columbia Railroad" by John Brown
Railroad and Civil War buffs alike will enjoy the story of how the Reading and Columbia Railroad was built during the Civil War.

July 6: "The Way It Was" by Don Lohr
Growing up in Western Pennsylvania, the speaker talks about life styles in the 1930’s and 1940s and by using actual receipts compares the cost of goods and services of that era to those of the 2000’s.

Aug. 3: "Plain People of Lancaster County" by Calvin Wenger
These are the component of a tremendous group—the Anabaptists. They are approaching five hundred years of existence and have made enormous positive contributions to Lancaster County and the entire country. Learn about their origins, customs, value systems and their purposes for living.

Sept. 14: "Humor of Ben Franklin" by Charles Wenzel
The speaker will share with the audience the wit and humor of our nations most notorious founding father, Ben Franklin.

Oct. 5: "Cambodia" by Lena Lansinger
This travel lecture includes slides and commentary by Lena Lansinger from her trip to Cambodia.

Nov. 2: "Herr House and Farm Museum," by Marilyn Nettles
Built in 1719, the Hans Herr House is the oldest building in Lancaster County and also the oldest site of Mennonite worship in the North America.

Most of our speakers are members of the Lancaster County Speaker’s Bureau. They come with a large range of backgrounds, experiences and educations. We are very blessed to have such vast resources of knowledge in our community. Please join us at the library for one or all of our interesting lectures. Our lectures are free.

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